KAVU: a road trip story.

KAVU: a road trip story.


by Brendan McClennon

Winter on the west coast this year consisted of heavy amounts of snow, and gloomy nights. We were yearning for a trip to find some dry dirt, sunshine and camaraderie. New Zealand was our original plan, but with flight prices being crazy high, we decided to shoot for something a little more within our budget. So, we aimed south bound, from Squamish to California.

Our 'ride' was a 1996 imported truck camper which came straight from Japan. And, unless you spoke Japanese, there was no way to know what the car was saying to you. Also along for the journey, were our good friends Nate and Tara

Our first stop was in Astoria, Oregon. Originally, we hadn’t planned on spending too much time there, as we were pretty hard pressed to get to California for some sunshine. Little did we know Oregon would hold so many treasures. 

But first… coffee

The beauty of the Oregon coast is something that must be seen. Although, we could barely see it as our wiper blades were at full-speed almost the entire way.


This pretty much sums it up.... Storm watching in a 90’s camper.... like driving a four-wheeled sailboat. 

We decided to make a bit of a detour inland before continuing south, so we headed to a spot just outside Eugene, OR.

Being passionate riders, this place felt all too familiar.... with a high-speed jump line nestled in the woods.

We literally sessioned this spot for hours.

 From there, we made our way to Coos Bay to ride some local tracks and get our beans out after being behind the wheel for far too long.

Man, Oregon has some rad jumps and beautiful dirt. 

The whole crew was now hyped to punch it to California to feel some proper sunshine.

Stay tuned for part 2, next week!

Onward and outward.

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