Collezione: Jeans

The word jeans is a mispronunciation of Jeane or Jannes, a term used in French to indicate the city of Genoa. The plural of jean is precisely jeans. This word came into common use in the 19th century and remains so until today. Jeans refers to trousers that have certain characteristics:
Copper or metal rivets
Central metal button
Five pocket cut
Label located on the back top right

Cotton plays a fundamental role in the birth of jeans. We have to take a huge step back to the 12th century, when cotton spread in Europe because it was preferred to linen due to its greater resistance and greater brilliance in colours. In that period the word Fustian came to life. Material that is produced mainly in two cities: Nimes and Genoa. Starting from the names of the cities we arrive at the names we use nowadays to name this material: Denim and Jeans. The city of Genoa is very important for the expansion of this material. In fact, it was precisely from the Ligurian port that the first jeans left for the United States of America. The definitive explosion of jeans takes place in the USA. It all started thanks to the special request of a woman, who asked the tailor Jacob Davis to make resistant trousers for her husband. Trousers that have to resist while the husband does the work of woodcutter. The news of those resistant trousers spreads quickly and the Davis tailor is flooded with requests.